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《大好时光》胡歌王晓晨-17-集 电视剧看点[超清版] 大好时光(电视剧)第3集剧情 电视剧_大好时光_发布会 胡歌喜欢有女人味的 大好时光 胡歌王晓晨 电视剧 高清剧情<br /><br />除了男女主三观正常点外,其他人都是各种各样自私自利是非不分三观尽毁的人。 编剧手底下最失败的角色之一,袁浩的初恋,不明是非的争抢旗袍,在朱涛店... 我只想说,虽然这部剧情节老套... 首先来说一说,又一出闺密撕逼向的电视剧,让我不禁怀疑了人生。<br /><br />男友曾健暗中出轨,茅小春伤心的提出分手。 [https://pastebin.pl/view/d6769af6 胡歌电视剧] 。<br /><br />白雪皑皑中俄刑警联手捣毁贩毒团伙 花开山乡王雷李小萌再续“平凡的世界” 无忧面包店2儿童版“解忧杂货店” 那些日子林永健领衔群星再现扶贫英雄事迹<br /><br />目前正在逐步删除和规避程序自动搜索采集到的不提供分享的版权影视。 若侵犯了您的权益,我们会尽快处理。 总访问量 813, 本月访问量7, 昨日访问量 0, 今日访问量1, 在线人数1 精选 电视剧 电影 综艺 动漫 少儿 纪录片 VIP会员 音乐 NBA 全部 PC客户端 免费蓝光播放 PC客户端 3倍流畅播放 PC客户端 提前一小时追剧 PC客户端 自动更新下载剧集<br /><br />珊珊和母亲回到家讨论着袁浩的那一番态度,珊珊妈担心袁浩根本没有结婚的想法,谁知一旁的珊珊却说自己另有他法,势在必得。 茅小春就算是在前男友曾健面前表现的再冷静淡定,过后独自一人,难免会为自己付出这么多年的美好时光终成空而借酒浇愁。 谁知就在朱涛苦口婆心的劝说袁浩三思后行的时候,袁浩却看到了喝的烂醉的茅小春。<br /><br />虽然袁浩帮助戴总解决了问题,可戴总却根本不领情,还冷嘲热讽说袁浩假好心。 珊珊亲自来到了袁浩的公司,正好碰到了罗一洋,罗一洋本着八卦的精神对珊珊是充满了好奇。 [https://england-harder.technetbloggers.de/da-lu-dian-shi-ju-di-1ye 大陆电视剧] ,难以招架,只得再次请求珊珊给他时间考虑。 珊珊刚一离开,朱涛便立刻登场,反对袁浩答应这个奇葩珊珊的求婚,顺便将茅小春着急找项链一事告知了袁浩。
Welcome to the '''nomic.club wiki'''—a hub for finding games of Nomic in the wild.
==What's Nomic?==
Quoth Wikipedia:
:Nomic is a game created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber in which the rules of the game include mechanisms for the players to change those rules, usually beginning through a system of democratic voting.
==Where can I play it?==
Known online games currently include (as of September 2021):
* [[Agora Nomic]]
* [[BlogNomic]]
* [[Fantasy Rules Committee]]
* [[Infinite Nomic]]
* [[Nomini]]
* [[Slownomic (game)|Slownomic]]
* [[JKBenbot's Wild Nomic]]
Past games are recorded in [[:Category:Dead Nomics]].
==Useful links==
* [http://legacy.earlham.edu/~peters/nomic.htm Peter Suber's Nomic page]
* [http://legacy.earlham.edu/~peters/writing/nomic.htm#initial%20set The Suber Ruleset]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomic Nomic] on Wikipedia
==This is a wiki==
Yes. Like Nomic, it contains mechanisms for you to change it. Feel free to do so.

Revision as of 15:35, 20 October 2021

Welcome to the nomic.club wiki—a hub for finding games of Nomic in the wild.

What's Nomic?

Quoth Wikipedia:

Nomic is a game created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber in which the rules of the game include mechanisms for the players to change those rules, usually beginning through a system of democratic voting.

Where can I play it?

Known online games currently include (as of September 2021):

Past games are recorded in Category:Dead Nomics.

Useful links

This is a wiki

Yes. Like Nomic, it contains mechanisms for you to change it. Feel free to do so.