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夏冰冰过来,看到他俩在一起,吃起醋来。 朱姐到京腔咖啡馆喝咖啡,因有事外出,让罗一洋帮忙看自己的狗。 没想到狗狗走失,朱姐要和罗一洋拼命,张雪儿和罗一洋只能一起到处寻找。 罗一洋来找袁新华一起商量,想和袁浩兄弟相认,袁浩回来,请袁新华和罗一洋一起出去吃饭,兄弟关系缓和。<br /><br />会员矿山烽火陈龙携抗战小队守护煤炭 结婚的秘密张嘉益演绎高富帅浪漫追妻 孙俪/陈建斌/蔡少芬/李东学/蒋欣/陶昕然/张晓龙/孙茜/刘雪华/斓曦/李天柱/热依扎 王学圻/陈紫函/柳岩/温兆伦/康华/郭凯敏/李亭哲/马强/王小伟 王雷/李小萌/曹云金/姜彤/胡小庭/陈霖生<br /><br />印月来医院上班了,还送给茅小春亲手织的围巾。 裘丽娜和张雪儿一起包饺子,叮嘱张雪儿好好经营婚姻生活。 印月问佩佩茅小春的情感状况,知道茅小春单身。 裘丽娜问袁新华,袁浩和女朋友分手的事,是否是受他们破碎婚姻的影响。 袁新华把袁浩当年在坐飞机差点遇到空难时写的信交给裘丽娜,裘丽娜看了信,痛哭不已。<br /><br />印月在医院给茅小春介绍对象,告诉她自己也有个女儿,茅小春让她不要为自己的事费心。 佩佩得知印月要给茅小春介绍对象,告诉她茅小春可能有喜欢的人。 印月就特地去记忆旅行找袁浩,让他主动追求茅小春,袁浩哭笑不得。 茅小春知道这事后,觉得很尴尬,找印月谈话,希望她不要管自己的私事。 于是印月又去找茅小春父母,希望他们能够撮合。 茅家父母来上海看茅小春,茅父特地去找了袁浩,告诉她袁浩茅小春亲生母亲印月找来了,希望袁浩把印月的事,告诉茅小春,袁浩答应了。<br /><br />一洋认为冰冰的人品有问题,袁浩不以为然。 袁浩拜访冰冰的住所,他和小春再次相遇。 小春内心五味杂陈,她话中带刺嘲讽袁浩。 朱涛回北京前将咖啡馆暂时交给外甥女张雪儿,雪儿欲将店改成宠物主题咖啡馆并让一洋担任自己的助理。 冰冰收到前男友老董的五万汇款,小春怀疑冰冰脚踩两只船却遭其否认。<br /><br />谍错云视频请避开高峰期观看! 百度云视频请避开高峰期观看! OK云视频请避开高峰期观看! 何润东,高圆圆,贾静雯,严屹宽,保剑锋 王凯、王鸥、胡军、刘奕君、邓家佳、傅晶、章涛 刘之冰,茹萍,任泽巍,冯千,徐熙颜,沙景昌<br /><br />袁爸爸的眼睛又有些不舒服,茅小春跟着袁浩上他家看病。 袁浩送茅小春回家,正好被下车的珊珊妈看见。 珊珊妈避开袁浩约茅小春喝茶,骂她是狐狸精,要她解释照片是怎么回事。 茅小春说是那天袁浩说她象男人,才开玩笑做出的举动。 在珊珊妈咄咄逼人的追问下,茅小春发誓说自己就是因为第三者插足才失恋的,她这辈子绝对不会做破坏别人感情的事。<br /><br />冰冰立刻吃醋说小春为何总是向着袁浩,怀疑小春对自己的袁浩有非分之想。 听到这话的小春生气的赶走了冰冰。 袁爸给裘丽娜打电话,两人时隔多年第一次通话,都异常尴尬,袁爸为袁浩之前的事情道歉,并约裘丽娜见面。 听到这话的裘丽娜很惭愧,当初他抛弃了他们,袁爸不仅没有怪他,还安慰开解她,裘丽娜不知所措,客套后匆匆离开。 袁爸在裘丽娜面前装作不在意,等到裘丽娜一离开,袁爸却因为情绪激动,眼睛出现了问题。<br /><br />简卉又来找朱涛,在朱涛的咖啡馆将他再次扑倒,谁知这时袁浩一脸兴奋的来到。 等到简卉离开,朱涛便调侃袁浩是不是把冰冰拿下,果然看到袁浩一脸幸福的承认。 朱涛告诫袁浩不要被表象迷惑,如果这个冰冰一旦缠上袁浩,逼着袁浩结婚,倒时他想甩也甩不掉。 可是陷入爱情的袁浩根本不听,他只认为是朱涛被简卉吓怕了。 另一边,冰冰来到小春家宣布自己已经成功拿下了多金男,还兴高采烈的宣布了自己的下一步计划。 看到冰冰这幅模样的小春,感觉她分外陌生,她劝说冰冰不要聪明反被聪明误,处心积虑得到的不是爱情,更不会长久。<br /><br /> [https://files.fm/f/kgrzb3zfr 好先生电视剧] ,庞阿姨好像在追他,但自己并没有这方面想法,袁浩表示尊重他的选择。 袁浩记忆旅行开业典礼开始了,茅小春犹豫要不要去,罗一洋特地到茅小春家,把她拉了过去。 茅小春在办公室里看到自己买给夏冰冰的幸运星被夏冰冰转送给袁浩,生气离开,并告诉罗一洋幸运星的真相。
Welcome to the '''nomic.club wiki'''—a hub for finding games of Nomic in the wild.
==What's Nomic?==
Quoth Wikipedia:
:Nomic is a game created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber in which the rules of the game include mechanisms for the players to change those rules, usually beginning through a system of democratic voting.
==Where can I play it?==
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Active Nomics
! Nomic !! Play Link !! Current Status !! Description !! Complexity !! Quickness
| [[Agora Nomic]] || https://agoranomic.org/ || The "Sets" Era || Agora is one of the oldest and most complex nomics, running since 1993. || Very complex, with many rules and strict rule interpretation || Players can generally make a few moves a week, proposals pass about every other week, and winning can take from months to years (with multiple win conditions available at once usually)
| [[BlogNomic]] || https://blognomic.com/ || The Alien DNA Dynasty || BlogNomic is played in Dynasties, rounds with unique style and flavor that are entirely repealed when someone wins. || Moderately complex, depending on the specifics of the current dynasty || Each Dynasty lasts around a month; proposals pass after 1-2 days.
| [[Fantasy Rules Committee]] || https://groups.google.com/g/frc-play || Round 380 || Players take turns adding rules and earning style points for following the current theme. ||
| [[Infinite Nomic]] || https://discord.gg/uBFBfsn || The Obelisk Cycle || Infinite Nomic is played in rounds (called Cycles), each started under a different ruleset engineered to allow experimentation in game design. || Small rulesets, but generally textualist interpretations. || Cycles last several months. Aims to only require players to check in twice weekly.
| [[Slownomic (game)|Slownomic]] || https://nomic.club/wiki/index.php/Slownomic || Height 0 || Each proposal has a length of 30 days to be voted on and is updated on a wiki || || 30 days per proposal
| [[Branching Nomic]] || https://github.com/fjsweeney/branch-nomic/tree/main || The Beginning || Many different versions will exist, meant to have very loose rule interpretation based on the social contract || Players generally only need to make one move a week || 1 week per move
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Nomics on Hiatus
! Nomic !! Play Link !! Current Status !! Description !! Complexity !! Quickness
| [[PodNomic]] || https://www.podnomic.com || On hiatus || A podcast that takes on the tropes of other types of podcast, while also reporting on nomic news and culture more broadly || Low || New episodes are published every Tuesday
Past games are recorded in [[:Category:Dead Nomics]].
==Useful links==
* [http://legacy.earlham.edu/~peters/nomic.htm Peter Suber's Nomic page]
* [http://legacy.earlham.edu/~peters/writing/nomic.htm#initial%20set The Suber Ruleset]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomic Nomic] on Wikipedia
==This is a wiki==
Yes. Like Nomic, it contains mechanisms for you to change it. Feel free to do so.

Latest revision as of 16:30, 20 October 2024

Welcome to the nomic.club wiki—a hub for finding games of Nomic in the wild.

What's Nomic?

Quoth Wikipedia:

Nomic is a game created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber in which the rules of the game include mechanisms for the players to change those rules, usually beginning through a system of democratic voting.

Where can I play it?

Active Nomics
Nomic Play Link Current Status Description Complexity Quickness
Agora Nomic https://agoranomic.org/ The "Sets" Era Agora is one of the oldest and most complex nomics, running since 1993. Very complex, with many rules and strict rule interpretation Players can generally make a few moves a week, proposals pass about every other week, and winning can take from months to years (with multiple win conditions available at once usually)
BlogNomic https://blognomic.com/ The Alien DNA Dynasty BlogNomic is played in Dynasties, rounds with unique style and flavor that are entirely repealed when someone wins. Moderately complex, depending on the specifics of the current dynasty Each Dynasty lasts around a month; proposals pass after 1-2 days.
Fantasy Rules Committee https://groups.google.com/g/frc-play Round 380 Players take turns adding rules and earning style points for following the current theme.
Infinite Nomic https://discord.gg/uBFBfsn The Obelisk Cycle Infinite Nomic is played in rounds (called Cycles), each started under a different ruleset engineered to allow experimentation in game design. Small rulesets, but generally textualist interpretations. Cycles last several months. Aims to only require players to check in twice weekly.
Slownomic https://nomic.club/wiki/index.php/Slownomic Height 0 Each proposal has a length of 30 days to be voted on and is updated on a wiki 30 days per proposal
Branching Nomic https://github.com/fjsweeney/branch-nomic/tree/main The Beginning Many different versions will exist, meant to have very loose rule interpretation based on the social contract Players generally only need to make one move a week 1 week per move
Nomics on Hiatus
Nomic Play Link Current Status Description Complexity Quickness
PodNomic https://www.podnomic.com On hiatus A podcast that takes on the tropes of other types of podcast, while also reporting on nomic news and culture more broadly Low New episodes are published every Tuesday

Past games are recorded in Category:Dead Nomics.

Useful links

This is a wiki

Yes. Like Nomic, it contains mechanisms for you to change it. Feel free to do so.