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<blockquote><br /><br />  <br /><br />  <br /><br />  <br /><br /> <p>記者 | 陳奇銳</p><br /><br />  <br /><br />  <br /><br />  <br /><br /> <p>編輯 | 周卓然</p><br /><br />  <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /></blockquote><br /><br /><p>對於作為視頻平臺的快手來說,電商成為瞭增長最快的業務。</p><br /><br /><p>在向港交所遞交的IPO申請書中,快手披露平臺平均重復購買率超過瞭60%,而電商業務的GMV則為1096億元。憑借一連串數額巨大的交易額,快手已經成為國內最重要的互聯網電商平臺之一,海量美妝類內容則做出貢獻的主要動力之一。</p><br /><br /><p>去年發佈的《2019快手美妝行業白皮書》便指出,2019年全年快手電商美妝類目10萬+粉絲量的商傢增長瞭36倍之多。</p><br /><br /><p>而在近日發佈的《2020年快手美妝行業數據價值報告》中,快手也再度明確美妝品類對平臺的重要性,其中一些趨勢值得在未來持續關註。</p><br /><br /><p></p><br /><br /><h3>美妝用戶人群多元化趨勢愈發明顯</h3><br /><br /><p>快速增長的美妝消費背後,必然有著同樣快速增長的美妝內容關註人群。在報告中,快手披露美妝內容點贊量增幅、美妝內容分享量增幅和美妝群聊量增幅分別達到瞭24.6%、45.9%和11.6%。而在一二線城市之外,不斷擴張的低線城市用戶則成為新的美妝流量增長地。</p><br /><br /><p>此前阿裡媽媽在2019年8月發佈的《下沉市場洞察報告》顯示,84%的品類在三至六線城市消費者的數量已經超過一二線城市,其中包括美妝品類。</p><br /><br /><p>不同於一二線城市消費者能直接前往品牌專櫃的便利性,低線城市消費者因普貨渠道的限制,明顯會更傾向通過社交媒體來瞭解新的美妝趨勢。</p><br /><br /><p>互聯網扁平性打破瞭此前美妝內容的梯級分佈趨勢,以快手為代表的平臺則為她們提供瞭與都市居民一樣的時尚與美妝資訊,這是美妝內容能在低線市場獲得高增長的重要前提。</p><br /><br /><p></p><br /><br /><h3>面部護膚和彩妝是主流,身體護理關註度增長</h3><br /><br /><p>面部護理類產品和彩妝類產品依然是快手用戶關註美妝類內容中的主流,其中面膜和口紅又分別是兩個品類中最受歡迎的單品。對於美妝內容關註者來說,這二者屬於入門級產品范疇,消費需求量較大且市面上提供的產品價格區間也較為廣泛,能夠覆蓋到不同收入層級的消費者。</p><br /><br /><p>其中來自低線城市的年輕消費者在品類上更關註唇彩和口紅等能夠直接展現色彩效果的單品,一二線城市的熟齡消費者則傾向於精華類等抗衰老產品。</p><br /><br /><p>消費者的年齡是解釋這種差別的原因之一;但從另一方面也可以看出,下沉市場消費者對美妝產品的需求依然以直接地表現自我為主,收入水平的不同在一定程度上限制她們進行更長遠的投資型護膚消費。</p><br /><br /><p>值得註意的是,以沐浴乳、身體乳為代表的身體護理類產品正在獲得越來越多關註。相較於歐美市場,國內身體護理產品的消費增幅並不算高,在歐睿國際在2017年發佈的調研報告中,歐洲身體護理市場年增幅高達10.3%,而國內的增長率隻有6%。</p><br /><br /><p>但伴隨著伊麗莎白雅頓的綠茶身體乳、雅芳小黑裙護手霜等由面部護理品牌推出的身體護理單品的走紅,以及DIPTYQUE、Jo Malone等香氛品牌將香調與身體護理產品的關聯,這個略顯小眾的品類成為瞭美妝內容和產品新的增長點</p><br /><br /><p></p><br /><br /><h3>直播帶動增長勢頭迅猛,創作者層級分化加劇</h3><br /><br /><p>直播是當代互聯網經濟中的關鍵詞,從2016“直播元年”到隨後兩年的直播平臺關閉潮,再到如今的直播賣貨全民加入,直播發展的歷程並不平坦,但生命力卻十分強韌。</p><br /><br /><p>美妝類內容則是如今直播賣貨的首選。在快手的報告中,三月至八月內美妝直播消費增長高達161%,遠超過短視頻的72%。但不同於美妝短視頻在內容和創作者增長中的平穩表下,美妝直播生態在調研期間經歷瞭較大的起伏波動。</p><br /><br /><p>這從側面也顯示出當下美妝直播生態仍然處一個快速發展的不穩定階段,大量新主播隨浪潮進入以及相關政策對直播帶進行規范都讓這個被註入大量流量的領域充滿變數。而在美妝直播創作者方面,跟奢侈品行業一樣,層級分化愈發明顯,出現瞭強者越強的情況。</p><br /><br /><p>這意味著,那些處在腰部及以下的美妝直播創作者向上晉升的空間可能正在縮小。對於快手來說,以頭部直播博以強大號召力來為平臺帶來流量有著積極作用,但內容多元化的缺乏和一些創意博主的流失在未來也可能會反過來造成不利影響。</p> [https://dkjasdb3mxs2.pixnet.net/blog ] [http://qooh.me/dealwood1 美妝推薦]
Welcome to the '''nomic.club wiki'''—a hub for finding games of Nomic in the wild.
==What's Nomic?==
Quoth Wikipedia:
:Nomic is a game created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber in which the rules of the game include mechanisms for the players to change those rules, usually beginning through a system of democratic voting.
==Where can I play it?==
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Active Nomics
! Nomic !! Play Link !! Current Status !! Description !! Complexity !! Quickness
| [[Agora Nomic]] || https://agoranomic.org/ || The "Sets" Era || Agora is one of the oldest and most complex nomics, running since 1993. || Very complex, with many rules and strict rule interpretation || Players can generally make a few moves a week, proposals pass about every other week, and winning can take from months to years (with multiple win conditions available at once usually)
| [[BlogNomic]] || https://blognomic.com/ || The Alien DNA Dynasty || BlogNomic is played in Dynasties, rounds with unique style and flavor that are entirely repealed when someone wins. || Moderately complex, depending on the specifics of the current dynasty || Each Dynasty lasts around a month; proposals pass after 1-2 days.
| [[Fantasy Rules Committee]] || https://groups.google.com/g/frc-play || Round 380 || Players take turns adding rules and earning style points for following the current theme. ||
| [[Infinite Nomic]] || https://discord.gg/uBFBfsn || The Obelisk Cycle || Infinite Nomic is played in rounds (called Cycles), each started under a different ruleset engineered to allow experimentation in game design. || Small rulesets, but generally textualist interpretations. || Cycles last several months. Aims to only require players to check in twice weekly.
| [[Slownomic (game)|Slownomic]] || https://nomic.club/wiki/index.php/Slownomic || Height 0 || Each proposal has a length of 30 days to be voted on and is updated on a wiki || || 30 days per proposal
| [[Branching Nomic]] || https://github.com/fjsweeney/branch-nomic/tree/main || The Beginning || Many different versions will exist, meant to have very loose rule interpretation based on the social contract || Players generally only need to make one move a week || 1 week per move
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Nomics on Hiatus
! Nomic !! Play Link !! Current Status !! Description !! Complexity !! Quickness
| [[PodNomic]] || https://www.podnomic.com || On hiatus || A podcast that takes on the tropes of other types of podcast, while also reporting on nomic news and culture more broadly || Low || New episodes are published every Tuesday
Past games are recorded in [[:Category:Dead Nomics]].
==Useful links==
* [http://legacy.earlham.edu/~peters/nomic.htm Peter Suber's Nomic page]
* [http://legacy.earlham.edu/~peters/writing/nomic.htm#initial%20set The Suber Ruleset]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomic Nomic] on Wikipedia
==This is a wiki==
Yes. Like Nomic, it contains mechanisms for you to change it. Feel free to do so.

Latest revision as of 16:30, 20 October 2024

Welcome to the nomic.club wiki—a hub for finding games of Nomic in the wild.

What's Nomic?

Quoth Wikipedia:

Nomic is a game created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber in which the rules of the game include mechanisms for the players to change those rules, usually beginning through a system of democratic voting.

Where can I play it?

Active Nomics
Nomic Play Link Current Status Description Complexity Quickness
Agora Nomic https://agoranomic.org/ The "Sets" Era Agora is one of the oldest and most complex nomics, running since 1993. Very complex, with many rules and strict rule interpretation Players can generally make a few moves a week, proposals pass about every other week, and winning can take from months to years (with multiple win conditions available at once usually)
BlogNomic https://blognomic.com/ The Alien DNA Dynasty BlogNomic is played in Dynasties, rounds with unique style and flavor that are entirely repealed when someone wins. Moderately complex, depending on the specifics of the current dynasty Each Dynasty lasts around a month; proposals pass after 1-2 days.
Fantasy Rules Committee https://groups.google.com/g/frc-play Round 380 Players take turns adding rules and earning style points for following the current theme.
Infinite Nomic https://discord.gg/uBFBfsn The Obelisk Cycle Infinite Nomic is played in rounds (called Cycles), each started under a different ruleset engineered to allow experimentation in game design. Small rulesets, but generally textualist interpretations. Cycles last several months. Aims to only require players to check in twice weekly.
Slownomic https://nomic.club/wiki/index.php/Slownomic Height 0 Each proposal has a length of 30 days to be voted on and is updated on a wiki 30 days per proposal
Branching Nomic https://github.com/fjsweeney/branch-nomic/tree/main The Beginning Many different versions will exist, meant to have very loose rule interpretation based on the social contract Players generally only need to make one move a week 1 week per move
Nomics on Hiatus
Nomic Play Link Current Status Description Complexity Quickness
PodNomic https://www.podnomic.com On hiatus A podcast that takes on the tropes of other types of podcast, while also reporting on nomic news and culture more broadly Low New episodes are published every Tuesday

Past games are recorded in Category:Dead Nomics.

Useful links

This is a wiki

Yes. Like Nomic, it contains mechanisms for you to change it. Feel free to do so.